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Sleep Calculator: How Many Hours of Sleep Is Necessary?
Ever woken up feeling like you could sleep for another 5 hours? Check how much sleep is necessary as per your age.
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Cognitive Shuffling: Mental Exercise for Racing Thoughts
In case of sleep deprivation, cognitive shuffling can be one of the most interesting sleep hacks you'll come across!
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What is the Best Time to Sleep?
When should you sleep and for how many hours? What happens when you sleep too less or too much?
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Top Best & Worst Foods For a Sound Sleep
Explore the go-to list for foods to eat and avoid to fix your sleep problems today.
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World Sleep Day: Is Afternoon Sleep Good or Bad?
Ever felt like you just can't stay awake after lunch? But if you sleep during day, is it really healthy?
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How to Fix Sleep Schedule: 10 Tips for New Year
If you're struggling with how to sleep or simply want to sleep better at night naturally, this is for you.
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Why is Ganesh's Tusk Broken?
Among the many symbols associated with Lord Ganesha, the broken tusk is one of the most profound. But how exactly did it happen?
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The Story of the Birth of the Elephant-Headed God
Discover the story of Ganesha's birth that has puzzled and fascinated people for centuries.
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Unlock 20 Life Benefits in 3 Minutes with Surya Namaskar
Are you battling stiff backs from hunching over screens and sluggish mornings with zero motivation? Enter Surya Namaskar!
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Your Go-To Yoga Practice for Anxiety & Panic Attacks
Anxiety can make everyday things feel super difficult, from sudden panic attacks to that constant feeling of worry that just won't go away.
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