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Dealing with criticism is not a pleasant feeling as we don't want to hear anything negative about our work, but with criticism; it doesn't always have to be a bad thing. It can just be taken as advice or a catalyst for our growth.
Here is a guide to dealing with criticism:
Listen actively: The first thing to do when receiving criticism is to listen and understand. Listen actively to understand what the critic is telling you instead of just focusing on the negative parts and being defensive.
Analyze their intention: No one is perfect, and there is always room for growth. Listen to what your critic is saying objectively. Then, analyze if what they are saying is coming out of spite or some genuine concern.
Don't take it personally: The criticism is meant for your work; avoid taking it as an attack on yourself. It's is only meant for your growth.
Be calm: Don't let your emotions take over you when a critic gives destructive criticism. A mean critic is only trying to evoke a reaction out of you. Don't give them that satisfaction. Try to be calm and tackle that criticism head-on with your wits.
Give your defense: Don't hesitate to present your defense as well. If you feel that the criticism is not in place, tell your side of the story, but be civil. This represents how mindful you are.
Remember that criticism can be hurtful sometimes. While dealing with it, don't forget to allow your feelings of hurt or anger. Feel them and let them go. They are valid, and so are you.