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Dev Diwali: How is it Different From Diwali?
What is Dev Diwali? When and why is it celebrated? How is ir different from Diwali? Know more, here.
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Surprising Facts About Lord Rama you Didn't Know
Ravana knew he was going to be killed by Lord Ram. Get more such interesting facts through the Ayodhya Kand stories.
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Why is Ganesh's Tusk Broken?
Among the many symbols associated with Lord Ganesha, the broken tusk is one of the most profound. But how exactly did it happen?
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The Story of the Birth of the Elephant-Headed God
Discover the story of Ganesha's birth that has puzzled and fascinated people for centuries.
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Why is Aug 08 Extremely Lucky for Your Dreams?
The Lion's Gate Portal, Aug 08, is considered an extremely lucky time to make dreams come true.
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What does Krishna say about Karma in Bhagavad Gita?
Ever wondered why some things just happen to you? It might be karma at play. You know, that whole "what goes around, comes around" thing.
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11 Most Common Myths About JEE Instilling Exam Fear
Every year, over a million students from across the country appear for the IIT JEE but a lot of them succumb to misconceptions and myths. Questions like "Is IIT tough?" can shatter confidence, create exam fear, and hinder performance.
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What to do on Mahashivratri?
Mahashivratri is a time when the air is filled with devotion and the echo of chants, a night that transcends the ordinary into the realm of the extraordinary.
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Why is Shivratri, the Night of Shiva, Celebrated?
Who is Shiva, really? Is he just a God from stories, or is there more to him? Let's uncover the secrets and learn what Shiva represents.
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